Debunking Black Hair Myths – Shop Anoint

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Debunking Black Hair Myths

The natural hair movement has made huge progress in debunking black hair myths that lie within the afro hair community and outside. Whether you’re just starting your hair journey or you want to expand your natural hair knowledge, it’s time to learn the truth about black hair.


Here are 4 natural hair myths that you should know about.

Curly hair is always dry

The distribution of natural oils is more difficult within curly hair which can cause dryness. However, afro hair can be very soft and moisturised when you use oils regularly as well as protective styles to lock in hydration.

Afros get too matted

Black hair can be very dense so a good detangling routine is essential. Many people assume that wearing their hair natural is going to be hard to deal with because of matting, but afro hair experiences no more tangles than wavy or straight hair as long as you detangled it regularly with the right tools. The best thing to do is gently detangle your hair when wet using a wide-tooth comb and start from the ends working your way up to remove tangles and knots.

Kinky or curly hair should be washed every day

It’s often said that the only way to refresh your curls is to wash your hair every day - this sounds like a lot of work! However, washing your hair too often will strip natural oils and therefore cause itching, dryness and a lacklustre finish. Instead, use a little water to refresh your curls and when it does come to washday opt for natural, moisturising formulas.

Afro hair is time-consuming 

You may think that straightening your hair and wearing weaves is easier to manage but once you get to know your hair, caring for it will be a breeze. The more time to put into making your hair healthy at the beginning, the less you need to worry about it every day.

Treat your crown to plant-based, natural ingredients that your curls will love. Check out our hair collection today and keep up to date with our blog for more top tips.